The crisis of poverty for single mothers is very real. In Washington State there are several counties with poverty rates at 65%. Right now the average income that a household would need to make for a studio apartment is $3,861 in gross pay monthly and the average monthly cost of diapers, wipes, and formula monthly is $378. When you realize that the average single mother working full-time at a minimum wage job in Washington is only bringing home $2,318 per month in gross pay, you can see why women may believe the narrative that they are powerless without abortion.
However, we know abortion takes a life and that the abortion industry lies to women in poverty about the humanity of their unborn child. They also tell women they can’t achieve anything without abortion. In addition, they deny women the right to mourn their lost child because it would work against their narrative that unborn children are without value. Yet, what women actually need is love and support. Abortion was never the answer. Abortion is murder and women have been told it’s not for far too long.
So how can we help? It feels daunting by ourselves and can seem like we’re all alone in this fight. However, that’s where Life Options Network comes in. We use funds donated by you, to donate diapers, wipes, formula, clothing, rental assistance, baby furniture, and registry items. We also help women find housing, jobs, and we provide advocacy during their pregnancy and after. We walk with pregnant women, single mothers, and struggling families through every step of their hardship and help them find their footing again.